Welcome to use GDP(GNSS Data Prepressor) Version 1.0
GDP is distributed under the GNU LGP License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html).
The following shows the shell command rules. Command parameters are case insensitive in GDP, while whether the path is case sensitive depends on the operating system. For example Windows systems are case insensitive, while most Linux systems are case sensitive.
Gdp [options]
Gdp <module name> [<module-options>]
1.Common arguments:
This should be in the start of the command line.
-V #Version
-H #Help
-B #Urls builder
-D #download
-F #Format
-S #Select
-C #convert to one table text file -E # extract site into
1.1 B:Build Urls
Build Urls by indicated condition.
-B #Process marker
-OutputPath MyUrls.txt
-StartTime 2020 1 1
-EndTime 2020 1 5
-ProductType Sp3
-Source igs
-IntervalSecond 86400
-UrlDirectories ftp://igs.ensg.eu/pub/igs/products
-UrlModels {UrlDirectory}/{Week}/{SourceName}{Week}{DayOfWeek}.{ProductType}.Z
For example:
-T B -OutputPath MyUrls.txt -StartTime 2020 1 1 -EndTime 2020 1 5 -ProductType Sp3 -Source igs -IntervalSecond 86400 -UrlDirectories ftp://igs.ensg.eu/pub/igs/products -UrlModels {UrlDirectory}/{Week}/{SourceName}{Week}{DayOfWeek}.{ProductType}.Z
1.2 D:Download
Download urls in text line file from ftp server or web sites.
#Process marker
-DownloadDirectory ./Download
-UrlTextPath BuildUrl.txt
-IsOverWrite False
For example:
-D -DownloadDirectory ./Download -UrlTextPath MyUrls.txt -IsOverWrite False
1.3 F:Convert/Format
Convert or format observation files that new files will be built.
#Process marker
-InputPath ./Data/hers0010.18O ./Data/Sample/
-OutputDirectory ./Data/Formated/
-OutVersion 3.02
-Interval 30
-SatelliteType G R C E
-StartTime 2018 1 1 0 0 0
-EndTime 2018 1 1 12 0 0
For example:
-F -InputPath ./Data/hers0010.18O -OutputDirectory ./Data/Formated/ -OutVersion 3.02 -Interval 30 -SatelliteType G R C E -StartTime 2018 1 1 0 0 0 -EndTime 2018 1 1 12 0 0
1.4 S: Select
Select observation files to indicated directory, and do not change data content.
#Processing maker
-InputPath ./Data/hers0010.18O ./Data/Sample/
-OutputDirectory ./Data/Selected/
-IncludeSiteNames hers hert
-ExcludeSiteNames algo
-SatelliteType G R C E
-StartTime 2018 1 1 0 0 0
-EndTime 2018 1 1 12 0 0
-ObsCodes L1C L2W
-MinFileSizeMB 1.2
-MinEpochCount 1000
-MinFrequencyCount 2
For example:
-S -InputPath ./Data/hers0010.18O ./Data/Sample/ -OutputDirectory ./Data/Selected/ -IncludeSiteNames hers hert -ExcludeSiteNames algo -SatelliteType G R C E -StartTime 2018 1 1 0 0 0 -EndTime 2018 1 1 12 0 0 -ObsCodes L1C L2W -MinFileSizeMB 1.2 -MinEpochCount 1000 -MinFrequencyCount 2